Monday 5 September 2011

Giraffes Can't Dance

Room 11 read the story Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae with Mrs Richardson and later they wrote a characterisation on Gerald the giraffe. Here are some of their characterisations:

Gerald the Giraffe.

Gerald is tall, he is very slim. He has four big legs. He is very floppy and when he ran he buckled at the knees. His colours are orange and yellow, with brown spots. He has big ears and huge eyes, 4 feet and of course a huge body and face.

Gerald the giraffe
Gerald was a clumsy giraffe with bandy knees.
He is spotty and yellow.
 Gerald has four thin legs.
He has a floppy long neck with a triangle head.
Gerald is a useless clot that has brown spots.
He is a nervous , handsome , skinny giraffe.
Gerald was not a good dancer and now hes the best dancer in the jungle.
Gerald is proud and happy with excitement.
He boogies through the big jungle.
Gerald can do an amazing backwards somersault.
He is slim and sad because he cant dance. 

Gerald the Giraffe

Gerald has two eyes, one fluffy tail, one mouth, four legs and a nose.
Gerald is a giraffe who has brown spots.
His knees were awfully bandy.
 He was good at standing up and munching on shoots from trees.
He was awful at dancing
 He is a clot.
Gerald is a brave giraffe.

Gerald the giraffe
Gerald is a clumsy giraffe with his wobbly, cranky, buckled knees. He wasn’t a good dancer in fact he was a wobbly, jiggly dancer.Gerald is tall, slim and lazy.He has two eyes,two ears,two horns,one nose and 4 legs and a tail.His back is covered with big brown spots. His tail is rough and his body is round, fat, bouncy and chubby.He has a neck with big brown spots.

Gerald the Giraffe.
Gerald the giraffe is tall and slim, he is yellow and he has brown spots all over him. Gerald is really good at standing still and eating green leaves from trees. He wasn’t good at running. He has four legs, two eyes, a very floppy tail and a very long neck. But he wasn’t a good dancer! Gerald felt sad, unhappy, useless, upset, and very embarrassed. When he finally had danced! He felt happy, wonderful, proud, and excited.    Emily

Gerald the Giraffe
Gerald was as tall as a tree. He was very slim and he had brown spots everywhere.  He had 4 wobbly legs, a bushy tail and googly eyes. His neck was floppy and long.  His body was so handsome, that it glowed in the stars.  He had twirly eyebrows.  He had smooth skin and he had hooves as black as the night.  He was very lonely.
He had a triangle face, he had 2 tiny horns, he had bodgie knees. But the worst thing was he was very bad at dancing.  He was very embarrassed to dance because everybody laughed at him, but then he did a super backwards somersault.  Everybody was amazed because they never knew Gerald the giraffe could do a backwards somersault. Now everybody was friends with Gerald the Giraffe and he was not lonely any more.

Gerald the Giraffe

Gerald is a tall, yellow, brown, spotty giraffe. He has a tall fluffy neck. He looks very flexible. But he is more of a clot. He is a long slim giraffe. With buckled knees and bandy legs. He has a head shaped as a triangle. He has two nice horns and he feels rather smooth and he has a lovely smooth tail. He has ears shaped like diamonds. He has furry skin. He’s a wobbly giraffe. He is a very brave giraffe. He is a bad dancer. Then he found the music he likes and he was amazing. He felt very proud, and he did a backwards summersault.
He was very happy  !!!                                                                                    
By TeRata.