Monday 11 July 2011

Explanation Writing

Room 11 have been learning how to write explanations.  Here are some of the fabulous results:

How to do ballet. by Emily
Have you ever done ballet before?
It takes a lot of practice before you dance on the stage.
First you have to make your dance up.
Next you have to make a beautiful dress.
Then you have to practise, practise and more practise.
After that you have to get your make up done and your hair done.
Finally you have to go on the stage and dance.
After all the steps you’re done.

How to plank on a bike.   By Matthew

Have you ever planked from a bike?
It takes a lot of practice to do a plank.
First you put on your helmet and start riding.
Next you lie on your seat and steer.
Finally you are planking.
Now that you have done a plank you can do it over and over again.

How to ride a rip stick. By Lily
Have you ever wondered how to ride a rip stick?
It takes lots of practice to ride a rip stick.
First you have to hold a pole and hop on it.
Next you have to push away from the pole.
Then you wiggle your hips.
After you go round and round in a circle.
Finally you wiggle and wiggle your hips.
Now you know how to ride a rip stick and you can do it over and over again.

How to make a yummy sandwich .     By Luka
Have you ever wondered how to make a yummy sandwich?
It doesn’t take that long to make a yummy sandwich.
First you wash your hands.
Next you get the bread and put it on the bench.
Then you spread butter and jam.
After that you’ve made your yummy sandwich.
Finally you put it on the plate.
Now since you’ve completed your  task you can eat it.     

Making  Cookies.  By Paul
Have you every wanted to make yummy  cookies .
Its easy to make cookies .
 First you get your cooking stuff and ingredients .
Next you put your egg  in the bowl and boil your butter .
Then you put your  butter in the bowl  and put sugar and flour and olvie oil in the bowl.
After,  you scoop out small handfulls and place on the baking  tray.
Finally you put the tray of cookies in the oven and bake them .
And now you can make yummy cookies and eat them.

How to Make a Healthy Sandwich. By Daljit
How do you make a healthy sandwich?
You need to have all the things to make a sandwich.
First you need to get some bread.
Next you need to put the mayonnaise sauce on.
Then you put all the healthy stuff in. Like tomatoes and lettuce.
Finally your sandwich is ready.
Now that’s how you make a healthy sandwich. Now you should eat it.

Baking a Cake. By Zakia
Have you ever wondered how to bake a cake?
It takes a lot of practise to know how to bake a cake.
First you get the ingredients and get a big bowl.
Then you mix the ingredients together.
Next you put the ingredients in a baking tin.
After you put it in the oven and cook it.
Finally its ready to eat.
Now that you have baked a cake you can eat it.

How to ride a bike.  By Talia
Have you ever wanted to ride a bike?
It’s easy to learn to ride a bike
First put on your helmet.
Next get on your bike and ride slowly.
Then practise stopping on your bike by using the brakes.
After that ride a bit faster and still use your brakes to stop.
Finally you can ride a bike.
Now you know how to ride a bike you can ride on the road.

How to ride a bike. By Callum
Have you ever wanted to ride a bike?
To ride a bike you have to practise.
First you hop on the bike.
Next you use your strongest leg to start to move  the  bike .
Then you try to move for a few minutes, then you’ve got the  hang of it.
Finally you can ride  a bike easily.
Now you can ride a bike you can do tricks.

Maori Language Week - Greetings

We have been practising greetings in Te Reo Maori here is some of our learning. Hover your mouse over the picture when a small hand shows click and the sound file will play.
Emily said to Sophie: "Tena koe Sophie."  (Hello Sophie.)
"Kei te pehea koe?"  (How are you?)
Sophie replied "Kei te hurikoe ahau." (I am happy.)

Daljit said to Jacob: "Tena koe Jacob."  (Hello Jacob.)
"Kei te pehea koe?"  (How are you?)
Jacob replied "Kei te riri ahau." (I am angry.)

Zakia said to Talia: "Tena koe Talia."  (Hello Talia.)
"Kei te pehea koe?"  (How are you?)
Talia replied "Kei te hurikoe ahau" (I am happy.)

Paul said to Luka: "Tena koe Luka."  (Hello Luka.)
"Kei te pehea koe?"  (How are you?)
Luka replied "Kei te mahana ahau." (I am warm.)

Saturday 2 July 2011

Custom Glitter Text

Wonderous Writing From Room 11

A crocodile is a reptile and an animal.
A crocodile is big and brown.
It has a rough long tail and googly eyes.
The crocodile is found in Australia and America.
They like to live near warm water.
It eats meat and crawls.

A goldfish is a type of fish. Fish are animals.

A goldfish has scaly skin and 3 dangly fins. Goldfish can be gold, black, red and orange .A goldfish  has a back fin and a wavy tail.

Goldfish live in fresh water.Wild goldfish live in fresh water. Wild goldfish live in lakes, rivers and ponds.

Goldfish clean the rocks in their tank to help keep the tank clean. Did you know that goldfish lay eggs?

A goldfish  is a  type of fish. Fish are  animals. 

Goldfish are red and orange and black.  Some have spots. A goldfish has 3 fins.

Goldfish live in fresh water goldfish live in fIsh tanks.  They lay eggs and they swim.

As sleepy as a lazy cat
As sleepy as a worn out happy puppy.
As sleepy as a silverish tricky seal.
As sleepy as a huge grey elaphant.
As sleepy as a cute brown baby bear.
As sleepy as a cute pretty black kitten.
As sleepy as a stripey caterpiller.
As sleepy as a fat hippo.
As sleepy as a tired old old man.
As sleepy as a funny white haired old woman.
Written by Paige McSloy.

Lions are cats and animals
Male lions have a thick mane and lions have 4 legs .The male lions are about 3m long, a lionesses is slightly smaller.  Lions have 2 eyes and 1 mouth and a nose
Lions live in Africa and Southern Europe. 
Lion’s eyes glow in the dark so they can hunt in the dim light. Lions cannot run over a very long distance. They have to sneak up close to their prey. They   love to eat meat. Loins have 4 types of teeth all built for eating meat. Loin cubs have eyes that are blue.
by Paul

My Leaf
This leaf is brown and amazing  .  
It twits like a whirlpool.
In the sun it is bright  gold.
It spins like a twister.
Some of the leaves are yellows.
Some of the leaves are red.
It has veins like a monster.

My leaf is spiky and huge.
It is as old as a grandpa.
 It is a rough and skinny leaf.
It crackles when you step on it.    

More Room 11 Writing

My leaf is bumpy old and green. My green small leaf has three rough sides. The leaf is dry like a fried chip. My leaf is curved And dirty like a dog been playing in the   mud.
My leaf is rough bumpy and old. My old green leaf has about 50 veins.
When I saw my leaf it was lying in a shady place.
The green leaf has old sides and a patch of dirt.
This leaf has a little tiny hole. My dark green leaf has spikes.
I got my leaf and it was lying on the fresh ground.
Small, greenish, orangeish lying in the sun.
My leaf has a rough body coat. My leaf has about 15 bumps.

My leaf is yellow and prickly and light brown and shiny and big. My leaf is shaped like a shield and spiky.


Wow what a week! On Monday I went to Hastings, my whole family went. Went  to slept in a hotel, it was warm cosy and comfortable because it has a warm fire. Then we went to splash plant it is huge I went down the black hole and I took a flash light down there because it is so dark that is why it is called the black hole. Then I went to Smiggles and I got ten smiggle rubbers and a ball and a pencil case it is a long pink one it has lots of zips. I zip the two top zips open then I pretend that it is a hand bag. It was funny for my little brother and it was funny for Campbell. Then we went to the aquarium I saw some people swimming in the water trying to get a huge crayfish. l saw some silly clownfish and some sharks they were baby ones, although they had  sharp huge teeth. Next we went to Tolaga Bay and I jumped off the wharf with no life jacket on. I did a run up. My sister Alex was too scared to jump off the top of the wharf so she jumped off the end of the ladder.  Jeremy is so brave but he had to have a life jacket on because he is too little and he had to do it with my mum. Then we came back to Gisborne so we could have our Easter eggs.  Alex ate her big bunny.    

“Yippee,   Paul's coming over to stay the night at our place. Yippee, yippee,  I cant even wait” then  I started  to dance round and round in circles.  Then finally I heard a tap, tap tapping on the door and there was Paul all ready  to have a fun sleep over . We played lots of cool games until dinner time . For dinner  we had   home made pizza with carrots in the salad too .On the pizza we  had pineapple, sauce, bacon and wheat  free  bases. Yummy, “I loved  that  Mum,” I said