Saturday 2 July 2011

More Room 11 Writing

My leaf is bumpy old and green. My green small leaf has three rough sides. The leaf is dry like a fried chip. My leaf is curved And dirty like a dog been playing in the   mud.
My leaf is rough bumpy and old. My old green leaf has about 50 veins.
When I saw my leaf it was lying in a shady place.
The green leaf has old sides and a patch of dirt.
This leaf has a little tiny hole. My dark green leaf has spikes.
I got my leaf and it was lying on the fresh ground.
Small, greenish, orangeish lying in the sun.
My leaf has a rough body coat. My leaf has about 15 bumps.

My leaf is yellow and prickly and light brown and shiny and big. My leaf is shaped like a shield and spiky.


Wow what a week! On Monday I went to Hastings, my whole family went. Went  to slept in a hotel, it was warm cosy and comfortable because it has a warm fire. Then we went to splash plant it is huge I went down the black hole and I took a flash light down there because it is so dark that is why it is called the black hole. Then I went to Smiggles and I got ten smiggle rubbers and a ball and a pencil case it is a long pink one it has lots of zips. I zip the two top zips open then I pretend that it is a hand bag. It was funny for my little brother and it was funny for Campbell. Then we went to the aquarium I saw some people swimming in the water trying to get a huge crayfish. l saw some silly clownfish and some sharks they were baby ones, although they had  sharp huge teeth. Next we went to Tolaga Bay and I jumped off the wharf with no life jacket on. I did a run up. My sister Alex was too scared to jump off the top of the wharf so she jumped off the end of the ladder.  Jeremy is so brave but he had to have a life jacket on because he is too little and he had to do it with my mum. Then we came back to Gisborne so we could have our Easter eggs.  Alex ate her big bunny.    

“Yippee,   Paul's coming over to stay the night at our place. Yippee, yippee,  I cant even wait” then  I started  to dance round and round in circles.  Then finally I heard a tap, tap tapping on the door and there was Paul all ready  to have a fun sleep over . We played lots of cool games until dinner time . For dinner  we had   home made pizza with carrots in the salad too .On the pizza we  had pineapple, sauce, bacon and wheat  free  bases. Yummy, “I loved  that  Mum,” I said

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