Monday 11 July 2011

Maori Language Week - Greetings

We have been practising greetings in Te Reo Maori here is some of our learning. Hover your mouse over the picture when a small hand shows click and the sound file will play.
Emily said to Sophie: "Tena koe Sophie."  (Hello Sophie.)
"Kei te pehea koe?"  (How are you?)
Sophie replied "Kei te hurikoe ahau." (I am happy.)

Daljit said to Jacob: "Tena koe Jacob."  (Hello Jacob.)
"Kei te pehea koe?"  (How are you?)
Jacob replied "Kei te riri ahau." (I am angry.)

Zakia said to Talia: "Tena koe Talia."  (Hello Talia.)
"Kei te pehea koe?"  (How are you?)
Talia replied "Kei te hurikoe ahau" (I am happy.)

Paul said to Luka: "Tena koe Luka."  (Hello Luka.)
"Kei te pehea koe?"  (How are you?)
Luka replied "Kei te mahana ahau." (I am warm.)

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