Saturday 2 July 2011

Wonderous Writing From Room 11

A crocodile is a reptile and an animal.
A crocodile is big and brown.
It has a rough long tail and googly eyes.
The crocodile is found in Australia and America.
They like to live near warm water.
It eats meat and crawls.

A goldfish is a type of fish. Fish are animals.

A goldfish has scaly skin and 3 dangly fins. Goldfish can be gold, black, red and orange .A goldfish  has a back fin and a wavy tail.

Goldfish live in fresh water.Wild goldfish live in fresh water. Wild goldfish live in lakes, rivers and ponds.

Goldfish clean the rocks in their tank to help keep the tank clean. Did you know that goldfish lay eggs?

A goldfish  is a  type of fish. Fish are  animals. 

Goldfish are red and orange and black.  Some have spots. A goldfish has 3 fins.

Goldfish live in fresh water goldfish live in fIsh tanks.  They lay eggs and they swim.

As sleepy as a lazy cat
As sleepy as a worn out happy puppy.
As sleepy as a silverish tricky seal.
As sleepy as a huge grey elaphant.
As sleepy as a cute brown baby bear.
As sleepy as a cute pretty black kitten.
As sleepy as a stripey caterpiller.
As sleepy as a fat hippo.
As sleepy as a tired old old man.
As sleepy as a funny white haired old woman.
Written by Paige McSloy.

Lions are cats and animals
Male lions have a thick mane and lions have 4 legs .The male lions are about 3m long, a lionesses is slightly smaller.  Lions have 2 eyes and 1 mouth and a nose
Lions live in Africa and Southern Europe. 
Lion’s eyes glow in the dark so they can hunt in the dim light. Lions cannot run over a very long distance. They have to sneak up close to their prey. They   love to eat meat. Loins have 4 types of teeth all built for eating meat. Loin cubs have eyes that are blue.
by Paul

My Leaf
This leaf is brown and amazing  .  
It twits like a whirlpool.
In the sun it is bright  gold.
It spins like a twister.
Some of the leaves are yellows.
Some of the leaves are red.
It has veins like a monster.

My leaf is spiky and huge.
It is as old as a grandpa.
 It is a rough and skinny leaf.
It crackles when you step on it.    

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